This Is Your Moment

Living each day with a FRESH perspective and being confident in YOU was our focus this past dance season. We learned that “this” is your moment! I have witnessed many students this year take on this type of mindset, overcome their obstacles and learn from each other through demonstrating love and grace to one another. 

We kept in mind that when you try to be someone other than yourself, you will not end up being the best version of you. When you are true to who you are and who God made you to be, you will more naturally be able to fulfill your purpose and be the best version of yourself that you are destined to be. When you free your mind from the competition of the world, focusing rather on your purpose in this life rather than comparing yourself to others, you will open yourself up to letting go and keeping your mind on the greater.

Building your foundation helps you become a more faithful and hopeful you, seeking after your goals and fulfilling your dreams. Live for today for you know not what tomorrow will bring. You, yourself, can change a life, even in a moment. Your actions, your words, carry power. 

Live each day as a fresh start day, a fresh way to make a difference, a fresh chance to be the person you were made to be. When you wake up in the morning, think of how today is your very best day. Look at things with fresh eyes, and focus on the bigger picture. Keep childlike hope, love, and faith, for each day is your first and only time to experience that day.

Be thankful for who is in your life. See the best in everything around you. Realize that you can and should live in the moment. Appreciate the here and now. Open your heart, soul, and mind to learn from yesterday and apply it to today. Faithfully believe for the greater  tomorrow. In everything you do, be the best YOU.

– Johanna Leach

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