YPI – Abandoned, Abused and Unloved

This morning in worship, God showed me his heart for the abandoned, abused and unloved. My heart broke and He showed me that they were who I have been called to minister to. Later, during a time of prayer and healing, a Brazilian girl prayed for me. Her words, I knew were given to her by God because it was as if she knew my heart, my struggles, and points of weakness. I fell out and began renouncing the spirit of fear within me along with her. I physically felt and was shown a vision of the spirit being drawn out of my body like a tar-like poison. I felt it leave my body and a weight was lifted. Both my body and my heart felt lighter and freer that I had ever felt before. A presence that had haunted and debilitated me literally since I was an infant was gone and replaced with what God told me was “the spirit of a lioness.” For the next 40+ minutes, I lay there and was shown picture after picture of the amazing things God has planned… Hallelujah! Fear crippled me but Jesus, the Holy Healer, has restored me and made the lame walk!

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