Visit With Widow Creates Opportunities for Healing Prayer

Megan and I went with two widows to their homes. Megan brought fingernail polish and was able to have precious girl time with the widows and the girls in their families.

It was touching to see their faces become tender and content. Megan also took photos and shared her family photos with them. They were able to be a group of happy carefree girls together.

The older widow broke her wrist the day before and her wrist was in pain. I prayed several times and the pain lessened then went away. Later I could see she was in some pain again. I prayed once again and the pain left and didn’t return.

We went to a house the older widow was looking after. While Megan entertained and delighted a group of children by taking and playing videos of them, an elderly gentleman was sitting at the curb in front of the house. The widow said he was ill and I should pray for him. It took some time but he began to feel better and would periodically laugh. He kept improving from 40% better to 99%. He indicated this in 10% increments. I think he stayed at 99% because Holy Spirit made him feel good and laugh. I finally asked him to do something he couldn’t do. He got up and with his hand on a windowsill, lifted his legs up one at a time and laughed. The widow kept saying, “He can’t do that.” I asked him to do something else that he couldn’t do, so he walked down the street a short way and would periodically laugh.

One of the widow’s friends, a young woman, came to visit with the widow. The widow told me I should pray for her, too. She had heart pain. I prayed for her several times and each time the pain lessened until the pain was gone. She was happy but seemed a little embarrassed.

We went back to the widow’s house and visited a while. Her granddaughter that was cranky from stomach flu. I prayed for her a while but nothing seemed to happen. A little while later she stopped being cranky and accepted water from the widow’s youngest daughter. – Mark

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