Woman’s Chronic Sinus Infections Healed!

Another young woman I prayed for had chronic sinus infections and was facing another sinus surgery, which she was terrified to have. God had actually given me a physical word of knowledge (sinus infection) by my having felt like I had one which started on our bus drive to Abuja. 

I prayed for her sinuses and all pain left, and the infection left. She could breathe again and the smell of infection was gone (my symptoms went away later that night).Then she asked for prayer for her mother’s physical condition. (I cannot remember what it was, but it was long term and painful; her mother was not there with us.) So I had her pray with me as a stand in for her mother.

She came back the last night of the conference to tell me that her sinus issues were still completely healed and that while we had prayed for her mother, her mother received sovereign healing at her home. Praise Jesus!! – Laurie

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