I saw a young woman standing near the back of a crowded aisle, looking sad. I knew by the Spirit that she wanted a touch from God but was disappointed and felt unnoticed. I asked Linda to go with me to pray for her.
She asked why and I told her. She said, “Are you sure?” And I answered, “No. But I want to go for it and find out.” By that time the woman had turned and walked across to where she had been seated, so we followed her. When we got there, I asked if she wanted us to pray for her, but she didn’t understand. So I gestured and she nodded. As I prayed in tongues I felt a need to communicate so I asked if the Spirit would give me the Portuguese language and tried, but it didn’t work. Then I looked around and saw that Henrique had followed us, so I asked him to come over to interpret. Through him I told her that God saw her and loved her and she was precious in His sight. He wanted to touch her, and she started crying quietly. I got another word and said that the Spirit wanted to move deeply to heal her from a terrible wound that she doesn’t need to talk about. She burst into tears and shook noticeably for a couple minutes, then calmed down with the peace of God. Finally she received a long hug and said, “Thank you,” quietly in English with such a grateful countenance. – Lynn