“What has the church gained if it is popular but there is no conviction, no repentance, no power?” -AW Tozer
In a sample video from a teaching session during Global Summer Intensive (GSI) last year, Dr. Alan Hawkins shares on one of the most foundational subjects in scripture: Covenant. He explores in detail how Elisha the prophet was a faithful covenant keeper who was key in calling the northern kingdom back to covenant, or back to God.
God Is A God of Covenant
Notice in scripture there were always prophets. Prophets especially show up during the time of the kings. Israel split into two families after David was king. They split into the family that would become the northern kingdom and the family that would stay in Jerusalem. Essentially what happened is the northern kingdoms committed “apostasy” (they fall away, leaving the family and their faith). They left the temple. They left the priesthood. They left the covenant line of the kings. Out of their rebellion, they left everything. They drifted away from everything God wanted to give them as an inheritance.
Later, the prophet Isaiah begins prophesying about the nation of Israel being “born again”. He says lengthen your cords… strengthen your stakes.. get a bigger tent (Isaiah 54:2). Why? Because everyone will be coming under the tent. Why? Because that’s where God’s covenant is.
In this informative session with Alan, he helps us recover a biblical and historical sense of what a church covenant is, why we have one, as well as what it means to be a people in covenant with God and with each other. As you watch this snapshot of just one instructional topic that we offer at GSI which we feel is useful teaching for GSI students and, like Elisha, their role in calling this generation to “come home”.
Action Point: Whether you sign up to join us at GSI this year or not, we welcome you to join us in a prayer of deeper consecration to the Lord—not so we can get what He has for us but so we can give ourselves to Him. Let this be a spiritual act of worship and devotion as we take this time together to build “the altar of our hearts” in covenant before God.
Father, we welcome Your presence. We really do want You. We welcome the wounds of a friend (Proverbs 27:6). Thank You that You won’t let us live with less than what You have for us, less than who You’ve made us to be. Let the weight of Your glory begin to fall upon Your people. Here we are, Your servants and Your people whom You’ve redeemed with Your great strength and mighty hand. O Lord, may the prayers of Your people come before You. May we be a people who delight in fearing Your Name. Come, and pierce our hearts so that from our innermost beings we rejoice and delight in You. Would You come and separate us from every other “love”, from every other longing that is not birthed in Your presence? May we be born again; born anew; born afresh in our desire for You. Amen.
Education: Discover What’s Possible
As many of you are familiar, we at Global Awakening are a worldwide community of Christ followers who believe we are empowered to influence and serve this generation. Our hope for all believers everywhere is for them to receive not only God’s love but also His power. We offer ourselves as evidence that He uses the unqualified when we’re willing to take a risk. And we invite you to also.
If you are searching for fresh empowerment…If you feel ill-equipped or unqualified for your calling…If you long to live a supernatural lifestyle…If you have doubts about miracles…We offer many opportunities to be encouraged and built up through our events, trips, educational resources, global network as well as our books and media so we can explore in friendship with one another the true nature of our triune God.
Truly, we need each other; to belong; to be loved and to love. Hebrews 10:24 says to “spur one another on toward love and good deeds”. This verse, among many others, show us that our unity as believers is a vehicle for us to mature and grow in every way. In this context, we see the gifts of Ephesians 4:11 given to us to train us up and bring us into fullness.
Are you curious what God has next for you? Global Summer Intensive (GSI) is a practical ministry school with an emphasis on impartation and equipping students for a life of walking in the supernatural. GSI is a condensed summertime version of the theological training at Global Awakening School of Ministry (Global School), which holds classes annually from September through May. Global School has changed many lives, and we are excited to see GSI doing the same!
Currently we are just 18 weeks away from hosting our next GSI. Applications will close Friday, May 1, so it’s not too late to register! Drs. Randy Clark, Alan Hawkins, Mike Hutchings and Jim Burkett, as well as Ben Williams, Trish Frost, Dale Mast, Katie Luse, Joanne Moody, Mark Virkler, and more will be coming together for 21 days of unforgettable preparation and activation. You don’t want to miss this!
Come receive from God what you need. Come learn how to take risks in your faith. Come join us as we each fulfill God’s dream for us.
Tuition: $1,000
Don’t miss the opportunity to connect with other pastors, missionaries, college students, teachers, and more while growing in your skill sets and in your relationship with Jesus. Join us at our headquarters in Mechanicsburg, PA for three weeks at GSI! Apply Now →
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