A young man came for prayer. He said that he had had a blurry vision in both of his eyes for a long time. He did not remember that anything special would have happened when the symptoms had begun. When he tried to read a text far away, he was not able to do it without glasses.
He said that he also had a back pain that had been there for several years. I told him I would pray first for the pain in his back. In Jesus’ name I declared that He had healed several back pains during the week already. I declared that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. He had done it before, and He wanted to do it again. In Jesus’ name I commanded all the pain in his back to leave right now. In Jesus’ name I commanded his back to be aligned back to what it was before the pain started. In Jesus’ name I released complete healing on his back. After the prayer I asked him to test his back. I asked him to do something that he had not been able to do earlier. He started to twist and turn his back, and he did not feel any pain. His back was completely healed. I thanked Jesus for this healing, and in Jesus’ name I commanded his eyesight to be healed. I declared full 20/20 vision in the name of Jesus. After a short prayer I asked him to try to read a text at the other end of the hall. Even I was not able to read it, and I have good eyesight. He was able to read the text without any problems. He did not need to use his glasses. There was no more blurriness. His eyesight had been completely healed. I thanked Jesus for healing his eyes. This young man was completely healed. He was so happy. He wanted to give me his wristband. I accepted it. It was awesome to see this young man get completely healed. We just thanked God together! – Tero