At the Four Square Gospel Church in Brazil, I prayed for an elderly female (I assumed she was in her 70’s) named Maria. An interpreter translated for me and learned that Maria had endure bone pain in her body for the last 15 years. She said her arms and legs ached and had constant pain throughout her body. She said her pain level was about 8. Before beginning my healing prayer, I explained to Maria that sometimes unforgiveness of others or herself may hinder the healing process. I asked if she needed to forgive anyone. She said no. I asked if she needed to forgive herself. She said, “Yes!” I then walked her through prayer to break all negative connections to the spirit of unforgiveness. I told Maria it was the enemy attacking her and told her God loves her as His daughter. God does not give pain. I then prayed for Maria’s physical condition using petition and command prayers. After I completed my prayer, I asked Maria how she felt and to check her body. Maria said her body felt better, but the pain was still there in her arms and legs. I asked what her pain level was now, and she said it was about 4. I prayed a second time for her condition, and Maria said her pain was almost gone. I prayed a third time and saw Maria smiling, and when I completed praying, she said her pain was gone! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord. – Takafumi, Retired