We were going hut to hut for evangelism in bush-bush. We stopped by and older mama’s house and she wanted to know Jesus and had really bad eye sight. Well, she got saved (just THAT EASY!) and we prayed for her eyes. We were a group of white Iris visitors, Iris Bible School pastors and an interpreter.
(The pastors also helped some with the interpreting, maybe ten altogether.) We prayed for mama and the younger pastors started testing her eyesight. There seemed to be some teasing going on and Mama was giving as good as she got. Her eyesight had dramatically improved. She was sitting on the ground leaning against her house. As the young man walked farther away to test her eyes, she smacked her legs and in English said, “I can see!” Since she didn’t speak any English, I was shocked to hear it. I mentioned to another visitor and he had heard it. Later on, I asked and another visitor heard it as well! Thank you, Holy Spirit! When she said it, it was a joyous, surprised emphatic declaration! – Patti, Café Manager