I preached my first sermon (July 11). I preached about what it means to surrender all and become a disciple of Jesus. God had completely changed my message. I did an altar call for those who wanted to be disciples of Jesus.
I prayed for a lady with a headache and sore throat. God healed her instantly. Next I prayed for a lady with lumps in her breast and God healed her. She couldn’t find the lumps. Praise God! After her, a teenager came up to me and said that God had spoken through me today. I confirmed what God had been speaking to him. While everyone was crying out to God at the service, he saw a vision of two angels carrying him to the continents that God will send him. I prayed a blessing over him and prayed that God would show him the reality of hell. He began to weep and saw a vision of hands pulling people out of a fire. Then I prayed an impartation. He said a fire went from my hands, ran up his arms and released a fire into his heart. Thank you, Jesus! – David