Forgiveness Leads to Healing

A man walked up and wanted prayer for pain in his heart, his abdomen and his legs. He also wanted prayer for his family, – he said there were a lot of problems. His eyes were red and I thought I smelled alcohol on his breath. I immediately felt like he had unforgiveness in his heart toward himself. I couldn’t find a translator to communicate this to the man, so I prayed for his pain to go. It didn’t really leave and the man had no reaction on his face. He said he felt the pain leave about 20%. I eventually found a translator who helped me communicate and ask the man if he had unforgiveness towards himself.  He said, “Yes, very much.” I led him in a prayer of repentance and forgiving himself. He wept. After, we prayed one last time for pain to leave his body. It left. He said the pain was completely gone. Amen! He hugged me, then the translator.  – Lala Appel, Instructional Aide, and Special Education

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