Inner Freedom and Healing of the Body

A women came forward and asked for prayer for her left breast that had been in constant pain for 4 years.  She was too afraid to go to the doctor.  I asked her if she struggled with fear in other parts of her life.  She said yes.  I said we need to take care of that spirit of fear first before the healing.  I asked her if she had any unforgiveness in her heart  toward anyone.  She said yes, her Papa who left her at a young age.  I told her it was important for her healing and deliverance to forgive as an act of her will. I also asked her if she had any curses placed on her.  She said yes.

I first led her in a prayer of forgiveness toward her Papa, and then to renounce the curses against her.  I then rebuked the spirit of fear and broke off the curses in the name of Jesus, for this beautiful lady to be set free.  She was free and displayed a joyful countenance on her face.  I asked her how was her breast.  She said there was absolutely no more pain – the deliverance automatically healed her!  She shouted and lifted her hands to the Lord!

-Doreen, Homemaker

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