This morning as Blaine invited the Holy Spirt and people started to get blasted I grabbed a guy who was not manifesting to catch for me. We had a lot of fun. We blasted about 15 or so folks. He also interpreted for me for an inner healing of a young man who desperately needed the Father’s love.
After things were winding down he said, “That was so amazing and powerful, but I am trembling”. I said let me pray for you. So I got a catcher and started praying. I began to prophesy over him that he had been hiding for a long time, but that God saw him and wanted him to come out of hiding. He started sobbing and went down crying deeply. Finally he got up and told me he has been hiding for five years. He used to be a pastor but left the church burned out and discouraged.
Last night he had a dream that Randy Clark was pointing to him telling him to come to the conference but he did not want to. Then he woke up and God said, “It’s time to come out of hiding”. So he decided to come. He walked six miles to get to the church, but then nothing spoke to him. Then I grabbed him and had him work with me. Then when I prophesied what the Lord spoke to him that morning he said that is what he was waiting for. I prophesied again about a new season and the Father’s love. Then I had him ask forgiveness for walking away and forgive himself. It was awesome worth the whole trip for that one. – Chandra