Sunday worship at the Pemba Base: I prayed for a missionary Jackie that I met here in May. As I prayed, the Holy Spirit overwhelmed her with love. As I prayed, I heard “Put your ring on her finger”. It was a ring I had purchased 7 years prior and rarely wore. I asked God, “Will it fit her?” I was reminded to “put it on her finger”. As Jackie awakened, she began sobbing. She had married Jesus in Israel 3 years prior. He told her that a ring would manifest on her finger. When that happened, her husband would return home to her and God. Jackie in faith had hung on to God’s promises. His faithfulness 7 years prior He (God) had promised her that her whole family would be restored. Her husband is the last. I am honored and privileged to have been a small part of witnessing His promises coming true. A testimony of grace, redemption, faithfulness and love.