September Brazil 2013 – Foot Healed One Year After Back Surgery

Sophia, a young woman, had surgery on her back last year and something went wrong with the surgery. It affected her left foot and she was unable to flex it up or even move her ankle around to rotate her foot. She said she could barely walk on it without severe pain in her leg. 

She had been going through physical therapy for 6 weeks with no response. So I began to pray for the healing of her foot. She began to feel tingling in her legs and just 10% healing. So I continued to pray. As I was praying the Lord said, ‘pray for her back’. Ok! So, I began to pray for her back for complete healing from the surgery. Immediately, her foot was healed. She flexed her foot and stood on her tip toes, something she hadn’t been able to do and started rotating her foot/ankle in circles. Thank you, Jesus. – Kim 

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