Severe Back Pain Leaves as Woman Shakes Under the Power of God

I prayed for a lady named Edjane who had been suffering for the last month with severe pain from a bulged disc in her lower back. It was causing shooting pain down both her legs. I invited the Holy Spirit to come in His healing power. We waited for a minute to see what the Holy Spirit was doing. Her head then began to shake under the power of God. I began saying “more Lord, more Holy Spirit.” Her body began shaking uncontrollably and we had to lower her to the floor as she could not stand under the power of the glory of God.

As she was sitting on the floor, I asked her what was happening and she said her back was 50% better. I thanked Jesus for what He was doing and then I commanded her back to be healed in Jesus name. I then commanded the bulged disc to form back into proper alignment. She was still shaking uncontrollably and after a minute I asked her what was happening and she said she was now 80% better! At that moment the thought afflicting spirit came across my mind and I commanded any afflicting spirit and any spirit of infirmity to leave her body in Jesus’ name. She then said she was 100% better! God had completely healed her! We thanked and praised Jesus together! Hallelujah!

Brendyn, City Planner

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