Skeptical Boys Healed and Met by God on the Street

We went out onto the street and there were four boys standing nearby watching us. So I went over to them and asked if any of them had any pain. One of the boys held out his left hand and said he had been bitten and his hand had a lot of pain. I could see an ugly scabby sore on his thumb and that his hand was puffy from infection. So I asked him to lay his hand on mine, which he did. I then laid my other hand over the top of his and commanded the infection to die and for pain to go in Jesus name. I then asked him to see how his hand was. He shook his hand a little and then with a look of wonder on his face shook his hand a lot and declared the pain had all gone! I told him that Jesus loved him and had healed him.

I then asked him if he would like to receive a blessing, and he said yes. So I thanked Jesus for healing him and asked the Holy Spirit to bless him.It was obvious that he was being touched, so I asked what he was feeling. He replied that he felt a sensation of peace on him. I told him that feeling would go, but if he accepted Jesus into his life that peace would stay with him forever. Did he want that? He said yes so our translator led him in a prayer of salvation, and the other three boys in turn felt the Holy Spirit and prayed the prayer. We sent them off to tell others about what Jesus had done for him and to have anyone sick go to the service in the evening.

Celia P, Retired

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