As I have had the chance to process all that took place during my experience in Nigeria, I realized that I have received a lot more than the wonderful experience and the incredible blessing of seeing and participating in some of what God is doing in Nigeria (as awesome as that was)! Through the teachings and impartations and Kingdom connections that I have made, I am not the same as I was before I left. I feel much more rooted and grounded in the love of God (Papa!), I feel like I am walking in a greater prophetic and healing anointing than I had before, with less fear of man, insecurity and feelings of inferiority. My feet have a more solid footing on the foundation of God’s Word, His Promises, His destiny for my life – a greater understanding of the hope of my calling, His glorious riches, and the power that is at work in me (Ephesians 1:18). I am so grateful to My Lord, King Jesus, for all that He has given me. With heart overflowing, Jody, Homemaker