Tumor Shrinks 90% After Applying the Blood of Jesus

The night before this service, the Lord gave me a word of knowledge about a pain in the lower right abdomen, near the ovaries and appendix. It was very strong, and one woman came forward to receive prayer for her ovaries. She said she felt peace and that she would let Global Awakening know about her healing when she went to confirm with the doctor. The following night, we started praying and my roommate came and grabbed me and said, “You need to pray for this woman! She has a tumor/growth in her lower right abdomen like the word you had last night!” I went over and immediately started to interview and pray for her. 

After praying several times and asking about forgiveness and some other details, I felt the Lord asking me to ask about generational curses. She said no, but because of the language barrier, I am not sure if she really understood what I was asking about. Despite her resounding, “no, no, no,” I felt the Lord leading me to pray for that anyways. So, I prayed, and I said, “In the name of Jesus I break all generational curses against Maria. I sprinkle the blood of Jesus over her body and apply it to this growth and command it to shrink until it’s gone in Jesus’ name.” 

I asked her to check it out and she said it was starting to get smaller! So, we prayed again. I thanked the Holy Spirit for what he was doing and blessed the healing and asked for a complete manifestation of healing. I commanded the tumor to keep shrinking in Jesus’ name. We had to pray about three more times, but by the end, the growth had gone from being the size of a golf ball to a small, flat pea. I told her with full faith that by the time she drove home, it would be completely gone. 

Lauren, Writer & Speaker

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