Tumors Melt Away

When she first arrived, she showed me that she had tumors that harness around her neck and on her right cheek. She has a scar on the right side of her neck, likely from a lumpectomy. She said that she had no feeing on the right side of her body down to her legs and that her neck and shoulders were in constant pain. After asking Holy Spirit to come, I started feeling this righteous indignation for her situation and began demanding kingdom justice for this woman, while commanding the tumors to melt and pain to leave. In a previous service, Blaine had prayed like this, “I speak to the pain, I speak to the pain, I speak to the pain – leave in Jesus Name,” and I essentially did that for this woman as well. Beyond that it’s a bit of a blur what we prayed.

She then fell out in the Spirit and when this happened I also felt power hit me and my heart all but leapt nearly out of me. I was also suddenly unable to stand bent forward stumbling. I had my interpreter help me walk over to her while she was down (it pays to be shorter than everyone sometimes). 

I HAD to touch her. I made it up to her face and again laid my left hand on the tumors on her right side of her neck. They melted. The cheek also melted from a hard feeling and became very soft and almost squishy. I left her there and started praying for someone else. When she arose, I captured what I could on camera. She told me that she had feeling return to the right side of her body – this was arm, torso and leg – and also that her neck and shoulders had no more pain! In this video I notice my interpreter uses the phrase inflammation- it was tumors and also, I felt them 🙂 Such a glorious testimony!!! Jesus!!! -Genevieve

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