Woman Claims Healing of Tumor

Carter Wood called the team up to pray for healing. A lady came up to me and said that she had a tumor in her ovaries.  I went to find a translator, so I could pray for her and understand her progress. The lady said she was experiencing pain on her left side where the tumor was.  I laid my hand on that area (abdomen area) and prayed a commanding prayer. It was something like, “I command this tumor to shrink and for pain to go in Jesus’ Name.” When I finished I asked the lady how she felt. The interpreter said that the lady said the pain was gone and that she believes she was healed.  I asked the lady directly how she felt. She said that she was 100% completely cured and absolutely no pain. I wanted to be sure, so I placed my hand on her abdomen and prayed again for her to be completely healed.  I felt a peace to stop praying so I thanked Jesus.  The lady said thank you with a big smile on her face and gave me a hug.   – Lala, Instructional Aide for Special Education

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