Woman Healed Emotionally, Spiritually & Physically

The first woman who came to me asked for prayer for depression. I introduced myself and asked her name. Maida was my translator. I asked what she wanted prayer for and she said depression and thyroid problems.

I asked how long she had been having problems and she said about 6 years. I asked if anything of significance happened 6 or 7 years ago. She said yes. I asked if she could share anything about it. She said there were some people who were verbally attacking her. I asked if she was a Christian. She indicated she was. I asked if she had forgiven them. She said she thought she had,.but we did it again as her witness and even blessed them in Jesus name. She was crying. Once we dealt with forgiveness, then I asked if it was okay to put my hand on her head. She indicated yes and I broke off the spirit of shame, rejection, mocking, and persecution from her and cast those off. She started crying and smiling again. Then I broke off word curses and blessed her in Jesus name. I felt the Spirit saying for her to read Isaiah 58:8-12 and we declared that God’s banner over her was love just as it says in Song of Songs 2. Around this point she started laughing softly. You could see that she could not control the joy the Holy Spirit was filling her with. It was so cool! Every few seconds she would cover her mouth and her eyes would get wide. She would look at  Maida and me as she laughed uncontrollably. I prayed for her to be filled with more of the Spirit and to continue to receive His love and joy on her life.

Then I prayed for her thyroid to be restored in Jesus name (there were no symptoms). I asked her if she had anything else or if she could do anything that she could not before and she pointed to her left side and said she had pain in her abdomen. I told pain to go in Jesus name. She said it was gone! More laughing! More crying! We hugged.

She then asked if I would pray for her children to come back to the Lord. I asked how long they had been away and their ages. I think they were in their 20s. One had fallen away about 10 years ago and the other 2 about 5 years ago. So, we declared the same freedoms that were spoken over her to be declared in her children’s lives. She became even happier as the realization came across her face that the enemy that attacked her could in fact be the same enemy that attacked her children. I commanded their ears and eyes to be opened as in Ephesians 1 so they would know the hope and the glorious riches that are their inheritance as the saints of God and to return to Him.

She got very serious again  saying it was really her husband who was hurt through everything. I asked if he was a believer. She said that he had never given up his faith, but I sensed that his heart was deeply wounded. So we declared for him what we had declared for her and her family. I prayed Revelation 12:11 declaring the Blood of Jesus over her household, her children, husband and herself that they would overcome and they would be protected. I prayed peace, love, grace and mercy over all of them. I then said, “You are the mama fighting for your children.” She agreed. “But, God wants you to know, ‘He is the Lion standing in front of your family and it is His fight’.” 

I asked if she felt any different and she said she felt lighter. I blessed her and sealed what the Lord had done in the Holy Spirit.

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