College of Ministry

Physical Healing 3

Physical Healing 3

Physical Healing Track:

Put your theology into practice through this groundbreaking set of online courses. You’ll join a group of fellow learners as you experience the truth that “by His stripes we are healed.” Gain a biblical framework and be stretched through hands-on practice as you are activated in a healing ministry.

Physical Healing 3:

NOTE: You have to pass these courses before you can enroll this course.

  • Physical Healing 2

This third course in Physical Healing is the first of the two advanced levels of training and certification within this program. This level would be for someone who is being certified for a fulltime Church staff position in the Equipping ministry, or to be released as an Associate Instructor of an entire Healing School, a Healing Rooms Director, or a chaplain in a hospital. The chaplain would be best equipped if he or she took Levels three and four which deal more with healing and the medical field.

This level is preparing you not just to minister healing, but to become proficient at teaching others how to pray for healing. Therefore, practical assignments are required to reflect not only your ability to minister, but also your ability to teach others to minister.

Price: $450
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