An older man, who had a strong pain in his lower back and both legs, came for prayer. He said that he was also suffering from depression. The pain in his lower back and both legs had been there for such a long time that he found it difficult to enjoy his life fully.
Depression had been a result of not receiving the healing that he had received prophecy about several times. I started to speak healing to his lower back and the legs. I declared that He had healed people with exactly the same symptoms earlier that week, and I spoke out that He wanted to do the same with this man. I declared that testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. In Jesus’ name I released complete healing on his back and legs. After a short prayer I asked him to do something that he had not been able to do earlier. He started to twist and turn his back. All the pain was gone. I asked him to move his legs. All the pain was gone. All the pain was gone from his body. I thanked Jesus for healing that man. I broke the spirit of depression in that man. In Jesus’ name I released a sound mind, joy and peace over him. I spoke inner healing to that man. After another short prayer he said that he did not feel the depression any more. He felt like a heavy burden had been lifted off his shoulders. He felt the peace and joy in his mind. His whole appearance changed. He was very happy, and he was completely healed. – Tero