Brazil – Ministering through Art

After hearing Nic Billman speak about his street ministry the global team drew pictures to present to people on the street. The intent was to demonstrate child-like faith and introduce other to the love of King Jesus. God had me draw a picture with the hand of God giving his heart away with statement written about how the father wants to give his heart away and how he adored the person just as they are. The picture also had an eagle at the top soaring in the wind with statements of how God wanted to embrace the person and have them soar in the winds as he fulfills their desire. 

To make a long story short God gave me a word of knowledge about the person he wanted to give the picture to. He said green bathing suit. As I turned the corner I saw a green bathing suit (female) on a store manikin. I was led to go inside the store and on my right was a female store clerk that Jesus highlighted. With my interpreter I said “Hi I am a Christian and the Lord has sent me with a gift for you. She was responsive and wanted to know what. I asked her if I could hug her and she said yes. Then I showed the drawing and how the father loved her and wanted to give his heart to her and that he wanted her to soar as an eagle in his embrace and cause her desires to come true. She was visibly being blessed by the picture and its message. Lastly I asked if she had Jesus in her heart. She said no and that she wanted to receive him. I led her in a quick prayer giving her heart to Jesus.
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