Young Woman Set Free Physically & Spiritually. Total Healing Comes!

I met a woman, Jessica, who was introduced by her boyfriend, Wellington. She had a terrible pain in her jaw from an accident three years ago. 

She had fallen down the stairs, crushed her face and had been hospitalized for five days. Her heart had stopped and she had had an operation. She had a scar from ear to ear under her jaw. I kept asking about the mechanism of the fall. Did someone trip her? Was it a forgiveness issue? The answers were at first no, and then she remembered! She saw a foot trip her, but no one was there! I felt it was a demon. So we entered into His Presence, broke of the spirit of trauma and the spirit of hurt, and cleansed her from head to toe. Freedom! Then all I did was hold her jaw in my hands, looked at her with Jesus eyes and prayed under my breath in tongues. I poured into her all Father’s love. I gently pulled my hands away and she swayed in His Presence for about five minutes. When she came out, I asked how she felt. The pain was 100 % gone! I blessed the couple! Amen!! Praise Jesus! So good! 

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